AI Weaith是一个创新的区块链项目,致力于构建一个去中心化的数字资产托管和交易平台。我们的使命是重塑数字资产的所有权和交易方式,为区块链行业带来更高的流动性和资本效率。通过结合最新的密码学和分布式账本技术,AI Weaith旨在为先驱者和远见者提供一个安全、合规和开放的网络环境。
* 自助管理功能、支持第 三方托管
* 企业级授信和分级控制
* 多类型资产资金管理
* DeFi操作面板

* 跨链原生原子交换
* 即时转账
* 自动净结算
* 点对点和点对池的 (P2P/P2Pool)交易 员加密聊天(trader chat)
* 访问流动性池
* 原生的跨链去中心化交 易所(DEX)连接性

* 符合FATF「旅行规则 反洗钱监管要求
* 自动化、可自定义报告机制
* 交易和沟通记录存档且不可篡改
* 已审计、已认证、已保险


* DBW 的 Layer 2网络能快速确认交易最终性,从而可应对每秒数千笔的交易量。
* DBW 的 Layer 2可跨越不同的 Layer1区块链记录流动性网络内的资产所有权。

多方计算(MPC) 共识网络
* 由共识驱动的多方计算( MPC)网络消除了数字资产的被盗风险。
* DBW 为机构交易提供内置安全机制、可编程的治理和工作流程。在确保最大安全性的环境下,用户还可访问DeFi 智能合约。

* DBW 的 Layer 3 传输层允许用户在其加密且去中心化的消息网络中广播询价,并使交易前的谈判简单易行。
* DBW 的 Layer 3 对所有传输的信息和交易进行加密绑定,从而符合 FATF 的「旅行规则」(TravelRule) 监管要求。

* DBW 集成运行库与DBW 客户端接口(API)相连,使市场参与者能够将DBW 集成到他们的中台和前台应用程序中。
* 合作伙伴还可定制开发集成了 DBW 网络的应用程序,从我们灵活的架构和对多种用例的支持中受益。

代币名称:AIW 代币总量:2.5亿枚
DBW 团队是一支由技术专家、行业精英和法律顾问组成的多元化团队,致力于开发业界领先的数字资产托管解决方案。团队成员在区块链技术、安全审计、合规性控制和智能合约开发等领域拥有丰富的经验和专业知识。
Eric Allen:CEO
Babak Soltannia:COO
John Doucette:CTO
© 2024 DBW . All rights reserved.
DBW Token
This project began in 2018 when the DB Wealth Institute's board proposed using blockchain technology at a significant meeting. The goal was to address core issues through token issuance and enhance the institute's global appeal. The issuance of DBW tokens marks the institute’s strategic application of blockchain technology. This initiative aims to attract global investors to support the research and development of the "AI Financial Navigator 4.0" system, boosting the institute's competitiveness in the international fintech arena.
Main Components of 'AI Financial Navigator 4.0'
Trading Signal Decision System: Utilizes advanced algorithms to analyze market data in real-time, providing buy and sell signals with over 90% accuracy, helping investors make precise trading decisions.

AI Programmatic Trading System: A fully automated AI trading system that allows users to set parameters and let the system execute trades autonomously, aimed at achieving stable profits.

Investment Strategy Decision System: Performs big data analysis and decision-making on mainstream and emerging investment projects, offering investors data-driven investment strategies.

Expert and Investment Advisory System: An intelligent investment advisory system that integrates insights from multiple renowned investment experts, providing professional investment decision support for high-end clients and funds.
Integration of DBW Tokens with Education
Enhancing Transparency and Security: The immutability of blockchain offers secure and transparent transaction records and smart contracts, ensuring the safety and clarity of information and financial flows in financial education.

Reducing Transaction Costs: By eliminating intermediaries and streamlining processes, blockchain technology significantly lowers operational costs in financial education, making collaborations between students and educational institutions more efficient and cost-effective.

Real-time Settlement and Clearance: The instant settlement capabilities supported by blockchain make financial transactions and processing quicker in financial education, which is particularly important for online education and international students, ensuring the timeliness and accuracy of funds and information.

Providing Credential Verification and Authentication: Blockchain-implemented credential verification systems ensure the accuracy and traceability of qualifications and grades, offering a transparent and trustworthy verification platform for the credentials of financial education students.

Innovating Financial Education Methods: Blockchain-supported new educational models, such as online courses and learning reward mechanisms, stimulate student interest, increase engagement, and enhance learning motivation through reward mechanisms.

Token Name: DBW     Total Supply: 1 Billion
IDO (Initial DEX Offering): 15%
Research: 20%
Foundation (including shareholder dividends): 20%
DB Wealth Institute: 10%
Charity: 5%
Operations: 30%
Our core team
The successful advancement of the DBW token project is attributed to a team composed of seasoned experts in the fields of finance and technology. These members have extensive professional knowledge and experience in their respective domains and have played critical roles in achieving key project milestones.
Raymond Taft: CEO
Mathias Golombek: CTO
Cillian Miller: Dean of DB Wealth Institute
Jakub Kot: Lead Mentor
our partners
© 2024 DBW . All rights reserved.